Beauty Is...Vision
Beauty Is ---, Inspiration, News, LifeadminBeauty Is, goal setting, new years day, Simon Sinek, vision, freedom from fear, dreaming, dream to change the world, Embrace Your Journey, community, community not competition
A New Day
Inspiration, News, Lifeadmina new day, winter style, friendship, intentional friendships, new year new you, resolution, overcoming fear, freedom from fear, kat harris, kat harris photography
The JCREW Presentation | A.K.A My fave Day at NYFW
News, Style, Lifeadminnew york city, fashion week, jcrew, kat harris photography, photographer, jenna lyons, the refined woman, fashion, bill cunningham, street style, street style photography, summer style, spring style, nick wooster
Beauty Is...Accepting Flaws
News, Life, Inspiration, WellnessadminBeauty Is, women we love, kat harris photography, amy clarke, model liberation, nikia phoenix, model, fit model, Self Confidence, Self Acceptance, Embracing your natural self, black lives matter, Beauty, Embracing Imperfection, faith, growth