My Favorite Toxic-Free Shampoo

Why Tara Brand Onion Remedy is My Favorite Toxic Free Shampoo to Date
1. Uncompromising:
I love toxic free products, but don’t want to feel like I’m compromising the quality of a product in the name of it being ‘clean’ and non-toxic. For that reason I take the ‘long game approach’ with clean products. I replace products in my home as I find a clean product that actually works for me, and feels worth replacing. Because let’s face it, since non-toxic products have better ingredients, they’re usually more expensive. I’ve never gone toxic free in my shampoo for these exact reasons. Until I discovered Tara Growth System Onion Remedy Sulfate-Free Shampoo. Not only does it seem up-to-par with other shampoos I’ve used; it surpasses them with all their yummy high quality and natural ingredients. My hair actually feels stronger and shinier.
2. Hair Growth:
Maybe your first reaction was like mine: Onion in a shampoo??? Umm…no thanks! Well did you know that onion extract promotes natural hair growth? Because I didn’t! Onion extract strengthens your hair from root all the way to the tip, and promotes a healthier scalp. It’s also rich in antioxidants. Topical use of Onion extract can be traced back as far as the Ancient Egyptians due to their stimulating and regenerative properties. How crazy is that?

3. Moisturizing:
I work out at least 5 times a week, and how can I put this delicately: I leave the gym sopping wet in sweat every time. And although I love New York City; it’s also a very dirty city. Between those two things alone, I have to wash my hair almost every day. Add in the blow drying and curling my hair a few times a week, and it’s safe to say my hair gets dry and damaged rather quickly. The olive oil in the shampoo is incredibly rich in Vitamin E and has strong antibacterial and moisturizing properties, which make it ideal for use as a hydrator, conditioner, and cleanser for my hair and scalp. It locks in moisture, and I can feel such a difference in my hair.

4. Silky Smooth without Build-up:
I want silky hair, but because my hair is fine I have to be careful about how much I condition my hair and with what. It can get greasy real fast! The Onion Remedy Shampoo has grapeseed oil in it which, like olive oil, contains Vitamin E. This adds to and is essential to having glossy, smooth, nourished hair. There’s also minerals, potassium, calcium and iron in Grapeseed oil that all combine together to create super healthy hair.

So yeah girl, I’d say I’m a mega-fan of the natural, organic, toxic-free shampoo offered by Tara. I’d love to know your thoughts! If you have any questions whatsoever, please let me know!
CLICK here to check out Tara Brands Onion Remedy Shampoo